We will try our best to keep you updated on the games in progress and on what is done (sometimes may even have a little sneak peek).
First off, let's start with Hadeaus War!, The game overlay is done and can be found here. The Box is complete and ready for printing, as well as the manual.
The game board is about 75-80% done. What still needs to be made is the reference guide, Comic Book (Special Edition Only), play money, country cards, military pieces and resource pieces. The reference guide is still being typed up. We're in the process of commissioning an artist for the comic book. The play money will be printed on standard paper, the country cards will be printed on card stock, and the military pieces will be made from aluminum, to be specific, recycled soda cans that were melted down. The resource pieces, we're not sure what they'll be yet.
Finally on Talon Roo's Adventure, we need to do everything. we only recently finished the story and concept.